Episode 2

Carol won't accept it's over with Kurt and keeps texting him asking why. Simon comes up with the idea or making her think he is with someone else so he keeps talking to Penny but it doesn't really work. Then J.P says just to ask Penny if she will pretend to be his girlfriend and after a lot of persuading she agrees. However when they are all out one night she gets fed up with the whole thing and Jenny tells her how mad Carol is. Then Carol starts singing "Never Gonna Give You Up" on karaoke and Jenny's so fed up by the whole thing that she goes and kisses Kurt in front of Carol. The next day Jenny starts getting nasty texts off Carol!

Simon's fed up of J.P because everyone seems to like him better than Simon. J.P also rides a bike to school but always gets there faster than Simon. He was the one who suggested going to the karaoke bar and everyone agreed but when Simon had asked the week before if they wanted to go somewhere different they didn't want to know. Also J.P gets out of doing anything extra curricular. He decides he won't join the others at the karaoke bar and instead spends the night at the pub with Bob, who tells him he's been overlooked for the headship three times and hasn't had sex since his last child was born...23 years ago!

Brian keeps hiccupping when he talks or thinks about Penny but they stop when she reveals she's got breast implants.

Days of the week captions:
Tuesday - on a car windscreen
Wednesday - on a gate
Thursday - on the front of a bus.