Episode 6

Simon takes one of Penny's classes and it's obvious Penny hasn't been teaching them what she should have been and Simon tells Jenny. However, Penny is sucking up to Jenny and pretending everything is fine when it's not. All the others start realising she is lazy, false and sucks up to everyone by being really nice so they do things for her.

Penny tells Jenny she's trying her best but some of her class are disruptive especially Ricky, a boy in Kurt's tutor group. But he tells Kurt it's because Penny is rubbish and if they ask her anything she just shoves her breasts in their faces and they never get anything done.

Penny implies to Bob that Jenny hasn't got time to mentor her and so Bob takes over and because Penny flirts and sucks up to him he thinks she fancies him and starts coming to school in a leather jacket and he's obviously been on a sunbed but he's red not brown. Then he asks Brian to be his personal trainer and starts working out. But then during an arguement between Simon, Penny and Jenny, Bob collapses and is rushed to hospital. They all think it's a heart attack but it turns out to be indigestion. Brian has to tell him in the end Penny doesn't fancy him and thinks he's boring and he goes back to normal and goes and gives Penny loads of work to do.

Clare decides to introduce an open surgery where the students can talk to any member of staff if they have any problems. The others are annoyed because it's going to be during break and lunchtimes. Brian's more annoyed when he spots Kayla going to see lots of teachers but not him and he asks her why and says she can tell him anything. So she does, she's just started her periods and wants advice about it. Brian of course doesn't know what to say and offers her an atlas!

Days of the week captions:
Monday - on Penny's top
Tuesday - shaved into a boy's hair
Wednesday - an art display
Thursday - on Bob's bag.