Episode 9

Jenny is out drinking all the time to celebrate breaking up with Alec and Kurt and Brian are loving it because she keeps buying all the drinks. However, because of the staff shortage, Penny is going to have to start taking some classes. She is obviously not ready so Jenny says she will get her up to speed and throws herself back into work to the annoyance of Kurt and Brian.

Liz is very unhelpful with Penny and doesn't give her the work that she needs so her first lesson is a disaster. Then Kayla tells Penny Liz has been saying she's rubbish and false and the worst NQT she's ever seen. Penny confronts Liz and tells her she's a vicious bitch and everyone hates her but pretend to like her because she's got the keys to the stationary cupboard. Liz starts crying and carries on all night. Everyone feels bad and buys her drinks all night. The next day Penny hears about it and goes to apologise but Liz tells her to stop being false and that she's only saying sorry so everyone will like her again.

Jenny comes up with the idea to get everyone to log any problems the students might be having so that everyone will know if anything's wrong. The others are given a chart to fill in but they think its a waste of time and don't bother. Jenny's angry so then they write down pages and pages with tiny trivial things. Jenny's pleased and collates everything and takes it to Clare. Clare realises how much work there is and says they should forget about it for now and throws the whole lot in the bin.

Kurt wants to know how J.P always gets out of doing anything. Brian has a book about it and Kurt tries everything to be like J.P but he doesn't have any luck.

Carol and Errol, or Ratboy as everyone is calling him, have got together.

Days of the week captions:
Monday - on Jenny's mug
Tuesday - on a magazine
Wednesday - on Susan's car radio.