Episode 10

Bob tells the others his favourite films and they all involve inspirational teachers. Lindsay laughs at him but when she gets in trouble after some parents complain about her, she decides to become a better teacher and goes to Bob for help. He gives her the films and some other tips and the next day it's like she's a new person, she even stops drinking! During the week she gets the kids standing on their desks, acting like trees, does lessons outside and gets them to show their feelings more. The others take advantage and take all their difficult students to her. Lindsay doesn't mind but Clare goes mad and tells her to stop it. Lindsay is angry but then she gives it all up and starts drinking again and goes back to normal.

Carol's had her baby. Kurt wants to know what it looks like but nobody will have a look and he doesn't want to either just in case it looks like him. Matt eventually looks and it's Chinese so it must be Mr Chong's!

Clare's acting weirdly. She forgets what she's been saying halfway through a conversation, driving maniacally, parking in the school and wetting herself. Everyone wonders what's wrong with her but after two days she goes back to normal and tells them it was the menopause.

Days of the week captions:
Tuesday - on a kebab
Wednesday - on a taxi
Thursday - made out of a paper chain
Friday - in lights on Penny and Lindsay's wall.